Running Time  55:08 

Album Artwork by David Harlan

all original compositions by CalArts students
(except track 3)

produced by: David Roitstein
engineered and mixed by: Peter Doell
mastered by: Wally Traugott
designed by: David Harlan
recorded, mixed, and mastered at Capitol Studios, April 1994

Special Thanks:

Gary Gersh, Ralph Simon, Michael Frondelli Capitol Records
Charles Koppleman, Terri Santisi, Kathy Mota EMI Records Group, North America
Joe Smith CalArts Board of Trustees
Steven Lavine President of CalArts
David Rosenboom Dean, CalArts School of Music
Jeff Keedy Director, CalArts Graphic Design Program

Full Album Downlaod

Album Art and Inserts 

℗ © 1994 California Institute of the Arts Capitol Records DPRO 79365